Who We Are


We are concerned citizens who have an urgent message for the Southern Californian cities of the Inland Empire and beyond. 

Our communities are being terrorized, threatened, and menaced by the Gustafson brothers, Jared and Seth. Many have been hurt and abused by them—in relationships, in the “house church” they founded, and now in school board meetings where Jared is threatening the public over his anti-mask and anti-COVID precaution ideology. 

The specific facts regarding abuse and harm are told in the individual Testimonies we are publishing here, as well as the news articles, opinion pieces, and timeline we have assembled to fully explain the growing threat the Gustafsons pose.

This website is a public appeal after numerous attempts to address these issues with various authorities have been rebuffed. We would not need to publish this website if the Gustafsons were held accountable.

Today, Jared Gustafson is employed at the Loma Linda Children’s Hospital, a world-renowned institution full of vulnerable youth to whom Jared has daily access. Jared’s documented history of coercive control, manipulation, deception, and abuse—coupled with his anti-science message and bevy of followers beguiled by his conspiracies—make him one of the most dangerous people we know.

Our purpose is simple: By informing the general public and providing tangible action steps, we hope to protect our communities by ensuring Jared Gustafson no longer has access to young people.

Have you been abused by Jared Gustafson?


Email us at

You can remain anonymous.

You are not alone.