What Can You Do?

Ways to Help


1. Help local parents advocate for our community’s young people and vulnerable populations.

Loma Linda Children’s University must remove Jared from his position, as it allows him access to children and enables him to leverage his association with a respected health organization to further his dangerous anti-health message.

2. Email the Director of Social Work at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital:

Mayra Benitez | mbenitez@llu.edu

Respectfully share your concerns with Jared’s employment and his access to kids.

3. Follow @SafeRedlandsk12 and @eyerollsnbllod on Twitter and help amplify their posts about Jared Gustafson.

4. Google Jared Gustafson and read about his abuses and activities.

5. Learn about abuse, coercive control, and manipulation—not only so you can protect yourself, but also protect others you know.

Jared Gustafson is not the first, nor will he be the last, abusive person.

Our best defense is knowledge.

Some of the Gustafson’s Favorite Abusive Tactics

— DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse the Victim and the Offender) is a common tool for all abusers.

— Evade Responsibility Claiming “good intentions” or that this is a misunderstanding.

— Reduce Offensiveness Bolstering reputation with other people vouching; or attacking victims.

— Denial Blameshift or claim facts did not occur.

— Flying Monkeys Other people—friends or family—defending him, his actions, and attacking others.